Friday, February 15, 2019

Wrap up # 2

Since I last updated you I have read 2 books.

I listened to Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders on audiobook. This won an audiobook prize last year and has a full cast (over 100 different narrators) so I thought that would be the best way to read this book. This book is strange. The first several chapters are literally several quotes pulled from sources and quoted making the reading feel disjointed and more like a draft. Making it even worse, several times the sources contradicted themselves. "The night of the party there was a full moon." and "It was dark the night of the party as there was no light in the sky." I swear there were at least 6 sources about whether or not there was a moon that night. It felt like George should've taken the information to weave a narrative. It's historical fiction, its okay if some details aren't quite right. Additionally, the parts that weren't direct quotes were literally ghosts talking about random stuff in their life and not believing they were dead. They try to help Lincoln's son pass onto the afterlife while also providing weird tidbits about their lives. The whole thing was strange and I likely would've DNF'd it if they narration wasn't so great. (Bill Hader, Megan Mullally, Nick Offerman, David Sedaris, Julianne Moore, Susan Sarandon, etc.) I gave it 2 stars.

The next book I finished was Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie. This is the first Miss Marple book. I don't often enjoy mysteries but I have found I like Agatha Christie. The way she tells the story usually has me quite interested from the beginning. The one thing I didn't care for with this book is that it isn't told from Miss Marple's perspective. It is told from the Vicar's perspective. Perhaps that is different in the later books, but it bothered me a little. I gave the book 3.5 stars.

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