I read 8 books in November. This was probably my best reading month this year!
I read Saint X by Alexis Schaitkin. This was a story about a young woman who died on vacation and her sister investigating what really happened several years later. I was enjoying the story but the ending felt unfinished and left me unsatisfied. I gave it 3 stars.
Because of my reading slump, I decided to reread my favorite book: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. I love this story and the characters so much and feel it helped pique my interest in reading again. I always give it 5 stars.
Comedy Sex God by Pete Holmes was the first nonfiction book I read. This was a comedian telling his life story about growing up in a religious household and how his spiritual journey evolved. I loved this first half, it literally had me laughing out loud. However, the last part wasn't funny and felt more philosophical which wasn't for me. I gave it 4 stars.
After that I was in the mood for American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Essentially, it's a road trip novel with old gods and new gods preparing for war. I didn't like it as much as I hoped but it was still enjoyable. I awarded it 3.5 stars.
My second nonfiction pick was In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. Even though it's a classic, I'd never read it nor knew any of its content. I was blown away by the writing and the story. Very compelling narrative nonfiction. I gave it 5 stars.
Then because I was feeling in the mood for a fast paced mystery, I picked up A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson. The whole premise is completely unbelievable and I almost DNF'd it but I looked at some reviews that said the ending was worth it. It was fine and I agree the ending was satisfying. I gave it 3 stars.
The last nonfiction book I read this month was All the Young Men by Ruth Coker Burks. Incredible! This woman is like a modern-day Mother Theresa in the way that she helped several AIDS patients get care, file for government help, and held their hand while they died. It even was left to her to dispose of their bodies as nobody wanted anything to do with AIDS patients. She narrates the audiobook herself and it was phenomenal. 5 stars!
Finally, I read the novella Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan. It's a historical fictional novel set in Ireland that focuses on a man. Because it's so short, I don't feel I can say much else. However, the pacing was off, and the main plot was left unfinished. It deserved more pages. I gave it 2.5 stars.