My mental and physical health have been tanking recently. I've been diagnosed with another ailment that basically can only be treated, but ineffectively so I'm a great deal of pain and/or discomfort. This has been it increasingly difficult to focus on reading. Because of this, I've decided that in order to try to reach my goals, I really should limit reading books from the library because I'm not making a dent on my owned TBR. It also doesn't help matters when I keep buying more books. However, sometimes a bit of retail therapy can boost my mood so I'm not going to put myself on a book-buying ban.
I do have 2 ARCs coming up that I will make efforts to read early and review but many of my goals this year will likely not be reached and I will just have to make peace with myself. I seem to be able to read 4-5 books a month and I have to remind myself, that's pretty good. Sure, compared to 10-12, it's a bit meager but quality, not quantity is something to keep as my mantra.
It's weird how this pandemic has really changed my reading. I used to love dreary sad literary books and now I primarily want escapism through science fiction and fantasy. I'm especially enjoying children's books because they always contain some hope, even if they focus on sad subjects. I'm curious if my reading tastes will change back, or if this will be more permanent.