Not to sound like a broken record, but the slump continues. Here's what I've read so far in June.
The first book I finished was
Bad Blood by John Carreyrou. This is about the company Theranos which claimed to be able to run multiple blood tests on just a prick of the finger. This was not possible and they scammed wealthy people and companies alike. This was a compelling narrative non fiction which is enjoyed. I gave it 3.5 stars.
Then I picked up
All My Friends are Superheroes by Andrew Kaufman. I'd heard that this was quite funny but I didn't find it to be so. The premise is that the main character is a regular and he is married to a superhero (the perfectionist). However, the perfectionist's ex hypnotizes her at the wedding to not be able to see her new husband. He spends the rest of the book trying to undo the damage and along the way, we are introduced to other "superheroes." (They are quite odd powers). Ultimately, I found it too thin and found the ending very unrealistic. I gave it 2 stars.
In the evenings, when I didn't feel like picking up a new book, I'd listen to a few chapters of my Harry Potter audiobook. Those added up so that I finished
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I gave it 5 stars. I always do even though I recognize there are some flaws.
The next book I picked up was
Mr. Kiss and Tell by Rob Thomas and Jennifer Graham. This is the second book in the Veronica Mars series. I read this in anticipation to the reboot that is coming to Hulu in July. This one wasn't nearly as good as the first book. I felt while the mystery was realistic, Veronica did some things that were out-of-character. I gave the book 3 stars.
Realizing I hadn't picked up anything for Pride Month, I decided to check out
My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness by Nagata Kabi. This was a manga memoir about a young woman who deals with mental illness and how that affects her relationships. At age 28 she still has yet to be kissed, so she hires a professional to teach her the ropes. I enjoyed reading this and gave it 3 stars.
I'm currently working through 2 more books that I think I'll finish before the month is up.