Okay...I'm in a slump. I saw it coming and tried a few things to head it off, but it's time to admit it. So, I think it was the 2 DNF'd books in a row. (The first was
Space Opera by Catherynn M. Valente.)
I read about 50% of
The Oracle Year by Charles Soule and have completely lost interest. It's not a character-driven book as you find out very little about each character. But it's not really a plot-driven book because nothing was happening. The concept was fascinating but there's nothing really driving the book. After that, I've been reluctant to really pick anything up. In a 3 day period, I tried picking up and starting at least 4 different books with little to no success.
Then I picked up
Girls Burn Brighter by Shoba Rao and was able to finish a book. I really loved the first 95% of the book. Don't get me wrong, it's not enjoyable. It's incredibly traumatic, heartbreaking, and devastating. But I loved the writing, the character development, the plot, everything. I thought this would be a new favorite. But then came the ending...the terrible, doesn't wrap anything up, leaves you hanging at the climax ending. I knocked it down a whole star because I felt she stopped writing about 40 pages too soon. Trigger warnings for human trafficking and sexual assault. I gave the book 4 stars.
I then went and picked up
Paper Girls Volume 1 by Brian K. Vaughn. (the same author as
Saga) This was a fun sci-fi graphic novel and I definitely could seem some similarities to Stranger Things (the t.v. show) It was fun and interesting but definitely not as gripping as the Saga series. I gave it 3 stars and will definitely pick up the next volume.
I'm definitely reading less and I'm trying to just be okay with that. I'm using my free time to focus on other hobbies and interests and I'm hoping my reading desires will flame up again soon.